[KLUG Members] Meeting 2002-11-05 - Halloween Party: Geek Jeopardy!!!

members@kalamazoolinux.org members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 04:00:03 -0500

Come join KLUG for it's annual Halloween party, this year including Open
Source jeopardy!!! Prizes, Trivia, and Food! This years topics: Geek
Cinema, CPU Architecures, YRO, Redmond, LDAP, Samba, X11, Slang, XML,
CLI, "Things that spin", and "RFC Potpurri" 

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Coming to three meetings qualifies you as a full member of KLUG, meaning 
that you can participate in the process of making formal decisions, including 
voting for officers.

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Our meeting place, THIS TUESDAY at 7 PM is:

The Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce in beautiful downtown Kalamazoo.

Maps and directions can be found at

All are welcome.

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The KLUG web site is:
