[KLUG Members] Centralized authentication w/NIS Samba and LDAP

Peter Buxton members@kalamazoolinux.org
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 21:27:57 -0500

On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 08:44:39PM -0500, Bill Katsma wrote:

> I would like to be able to keep all my user information all in one
> place.  Whether the person is on Windows, Linux, IRIX or Solaris.
> LDAP definatilly looks like the place to start or end or work on in
> the middle.

> does any one have any input?
> Does any one have any good resource to do such beast?

Frankly, I'd love to learn more about LDAP. Sadly, much of it seems to
be very DIY (and I don't mean Linux DIY, I mean Linux-and-bash-and-gcc
from Scratch DIY).  Although our previous SIG, on PHP, wasn't a rousing
success, I'd like to announce my interest in meeting at various times to
explore LDAP.  Perhaps we could explore trying to create scripting tools
to create and manage LDAP accounts and permissions. Though this sounds
very off-topic, I'm getting a new car and will be willing to travel for
such a meeting.  I know I need more user-friendly tools (you know,
users: people who perform a useful task on the computer and then TURN IT
OFF) for CARES account management. Either a PHP web page, or a GTK app
capable of being exported to a remote Winblows desktop via X or VNC.
Hell, even a bash script, or bash script tools, would be nice.


for gpg key: http://killdevil.org/~peter
It's like looking at your past crimes at a parole
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