[KLUG Members] It is cram time! (Geek Jeopardy Reminder)

Peter Buxton members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 01:24:48 -0500

On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 04:57:24PM -0500, Adam Williams wrote:

> No I don't mean CRAM-MD5, I mean "cram", as in just before the annual
> round of Geek Jeopardy.  Only a few hours away folks....

Maybe I'm just tweaked because I got a 2^10 question... but that was
more fun than I've had in a long while! Thanks to everyone for the
buttunzanblinkenleits, the food, and especially Adam, for those evil,
evil questions.

/me pouts, "We'd have won if I'd only had the brains to keep my finger
off the 1024 Redmond question... Sorry, Bob...." <sniff>  ;-)

for gpg key: http://killdevil.org/~peter
I'll torture you so slowly you'll think it's
a career. -- Darwin Mayflower, _Hudson Hawk_