[KLUG Members] It is cram time! (Geek Jeopardy Reminder)

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
06 Nov 2002 19:19:32 -0500

>>No I don't mean CRAM-MD5, I mean "cram", as in just before the annual
>>round of Geek Jeopardy.  Only a few hours away folks....
>Maybe I'm just tweaked because I got a 2^10 question... but that was
>more fun than I've had in a long while! Thanks to everyone for the
>buttunzanblinkenleits, the food, and especially Adam, for those evil,
>evil questions.

Glad you enjoyed them,  apparently they turned out to be harder than I
>/me pouts, "We'd have won if I'd only had the brains to keep my finger
>off the 1024 Redmond question... Sorry, Bob...." <sniff>  ;-)

Isn't the world full of "if I'd only"'s.... You lost, no excuses!

Team B rocked!  But Team C did put on a good show, we won't even mention
teams A & D. :)