[KLUG Members] Re: Redhat's commitment to the desktop?

Bryan J. Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
14 Nov 2002 10:27:46 -0500

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On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 09:37, Bruce Smith wrote:
> Someone at the last meeting (a first time attendee, and possible spy
> from Redmond :) said that Redhat has given up on putting Linux on the
> desktop and is now going exclusively after the server market.
> Can someone substantiate this, as either being fact or fiction, with a
> URL?  Preferably a URL from a domain name that holds some credibility,
> like redhat.com . . .   I can't find it anywhere, and I'm reluctant to
> believe it since the new Redhat 8.0 targets the desktop!

Simple market analysis.

RedHat had some large customers who wanted RedHat to start targeting the
corporate desktop.  So they did.

What makes RedHat like Redmond is that it listens to its customers, and
tries to get every penny they have.

What makes RedHat unlike Redmond is that everything they create is GPL,
so their competitors are free to use their developments.

Bryan J. Smith, E.I.            Contact Info:  http://thebs.org
A+/i-Net+/Linux+/Network+/Server+ CCNA CIWA CNA SCSA/SCWSE/SCNA
The more government chooses for you, the less freedom you have.

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