[KLUG Members] Yo!

Robert G. Brown members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 09:57:15 -0500

>>>    Please call me.
>> Everyone on the list?  Your going to be a busy man.  Some people here
>> might not have your phone number.
>I could post Bob's phone numbers.  I have his home, cel & pager.  ;->

One of the problems with a GUI MUA is that the user is often a couple
of mouseclicks away from this sort of mistake. In this case those few
clicks actually happened, and all the efforts made on behalf of swift
communication make it impossible to take steps that would prevent the
broadcast of the results of a mistake like this.

No one need supply anyone with any phone numbers on my behalf, thanks.
My phone numbers are already on the Internet, interested parties ought
to have no trouble finding them. If anyone calls, please don't use the
cell :).
							---> RGB <---