[KLUG Members] The living evil of nsupdate

Peter Buxton members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 17:50:13 -0400

> Nope, it is just you.  I love nsupdate.  But then I've also been accused
> of being wicked and twisted.

Hey, *I* didn't spread any rumors. :)

Can you try this command?

echo -ne "update add foo.caresswm.org. 3600 A\nupdate add 3600 IN PTR foo.caresswm.org\n\n" | nsupdate
-k /etc/bind/Kexample.com.+157+98327.private

If I change "\nupdate" to two ("\n\n") newline characters,
it works. Otherwise, no.

Though nothing is wasted, everything is spent. -- A. Dillard