[KLUG Members] Distro distro ...

Bruce Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 02 Dec 2003 10:18:00 -0500

Not being completely happy with Fedora because of a few annoying (but
minor) bugs, I started looking at other distributions.  I looked at and
rejected a few distros for a number of reasons (I'll discuss them on
advocacy if anyone is interested - not here), then I tried SuSE 9.0 ...

Now I'd like someone to talk me out of switching all of my Linux boxes
to SuSE.  Please help, it would save me a lot of time NOT to convert.

SuSE seems to be far ahead of Fedora/Redhat in a number of areas.  I
first noticed a lot of hardware support I've never seen before, like
Win-modems, TV Tuner cards, and ALSA configured sound cards, right from
the installer.

I also noticed more software features, like XFS, NTFS, encrypted
filesystems, answering machines, and more (like being able to setup
masquerading in the firewall setup).

To download updates, you don't need to register for an account or
anything like Redhat's "up2date" requires.  Just point it to a ftp
server or mirror and update.  You can even schedule automatic updates
from the same screen.

A lot of the "extra" software I always downloaded for RH/FD was
available right on the install CD's.  Like Adobe Acrobat reader,
OpenVPN, Firebird, APC UPS monitoring daemons, and more ... (did I
mention ALSA already? :)

OK, so what's missing that's going to bite me later?  HELP!!!

Side note:  Best Buy in Portage has in stock:  SuSE 9,0, the new
commercial Redhat workstation distro, and even Sun's StarOffice.

 - BS