[KLUG Members] Survey

Jeremy Leonard members@kalamazoolinux.org
Sat, 20 Dec 2003 23:01:40 -0500

I couldn't figure out a quick way to get all the info from the survey to
this email. I just don't have the time to type the whole thing up again.

Here are my comments for the esay questions:

>>>15. List the top one or two possible improvements that you would like to
see made to Windows.

Don't "Extend" standards. MS has a marketing line "Embrace and Extend"
stadards. I believe this means MS isn't really interested in standards
unless they are it.
So basicaly write code to be 100% complient and compatible with standards
that already exist. I could go on with examples but I don't know how much
room I have in this box.

Open the source. Become more of a community player.

Home Environment >>>16. List the top one or two improvements that you would
like to see made to Linux.

Better printing support.

Better support for internet media.

IT environment  >>>16. List the top one or two improvements that you would
like to see made to Linux.

Better central management for network environments. I haven't looked at Red
carpet yet. That may be the answer.

Better availability of business applications.