[KLUG Members] Platform

John Bridleman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 23 Dec 2003 15:41:23 -0500

* Peter Buxton (somercet@core.com) wrote:
These are all great ideas. I especially like the Intra-state activity announcement list. This could also include our Indiana neighbors. In my opinion we are very well organized and one of the most active LUG's anywhere and we could certainly take a leadership role in this area.
Why are we in this position? This is due in no small part to Adam's great job as Program Director. Whatever we are paying him, it's not enough. I'd double his existing salary out of my own pocket. 8-)

We should also make it a high priority to recruit an Educational Director. Satellite Software did an excellent job introducing their product in the early 1980's to the educational crowd and I think we could follow their example and get the kids addicted to our product.

Bob has often said that "many hands make light work". This is very true and I'd like to see more individuals get an opportunity to help out. Even if someone is new to Linux and Open Source, there are many ways that people can contribute.
John Bridleman / www.bridleman.org