[KLUG Members] Platform

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 08:32:13 -0500 (EST)

>These are all great ideas. 


>I especially like the Intra-state activity announcement list. This 
>could also include our Indiana neighbors. In my opinion we are very 
>well organized and one of the most active LUG's anywhere and we could 
>certainly take a leadership role in this area.

>Why are we in this position? This is due in no small part to Adam's 
>great job as Program Director. Whatever we are paying him, it's not 
>enough. I'd double his existing salary out of my own pocket. 8-)

I'd blush, but I'm not very modest.

>We should also make it a high priority to recruit an Educational Director. 
>Satellite Software did an excellent job introducing their product in the 
>early 1980's to the educational crowd and I think we could follow their 
>example and get the kids addicted to our product.

I have no idea who "Satellite Software" is, but OK.  Addicts are cool

>Bob has often said that "many hands make light work". This is very true 
>and I'd like to see more individuals get an opportunity to help out. Even 
>if someone is new to Linux and Open Source, there are many ways that 
>people can contribute.
