[KLUG Members] Sendmail as POP3?

bill members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 06 Jan 2003 17:37:20 -0500

Appreciate the help, comments below.

Adam Williams wrote:

> >Is there a service I need to enable on the fetchmail box?
> (Remote POP Box)<---->Fethcmail<--->Local Sendmail<----
> ---->Local Mail Box<---IMAP/POP server (UW)<--->Client.
> Fetchmail real purpose is to abstract the remote mail box(es) so you can
> pretend the mail got delivered straight to your friendly server.

Funny, before I got the POP3 figured out on the local mail server, I realized
that I could use PINE and log in as that user (who has a user account on that
box which, apparently, also gives him an e-mail box) and read the mail obtained
by fetchmail.

I was worried that the mail location would "now be in PINE" and POP3 would not
show it once I got it working, but hey, once I enabled the ipop3 service it
(almost) worked.  One last tweak was needed.

Because the e-mail box was identical to a user account on the mail server, POP3
would work, but I had to use the -user- account password.  The actual e-mail
password wouldn't work.

I kind of get it, but can you shed any light on the matter?  Why is Sendmail in
your diagram above (I'm not sending anything here)?  How did the mail get in
PINE?    How did ipop3 know where to look for it?  Why, specifically, do I need
to use the user password to get e-mail?  Is there a way to change things to
always use e-mail passwords for e-mail obtained via POP3 this way?

(remote POP) --> fetchmail (w/e-mail pw) -->other machine using POP3 (needs user
pw of account on fetchmail box to get e-mail)

kind regards,
