[KLUG Members] Zaurus - Now who's oversight was this?

Adam Tauno Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 07:53:21 -0500

>I have a Zaurus for my from work now.  I love it.  On the first day I 
>installed a terminal, openssh, fbvncserver and nmap... so this thing is well
>on it's way to being really useful as tool for when I'm away from my desk.
>BUT...  can you believe this:  There is currently no post-beta software for 
>synching the Zaurus with Linux!  It runs linux, but the synching software 
>that ships with it is for Windows.  <scratches head>

I think the fault here lies not with the Zuarus people, but squarely in the lap
of the Open Source community.  

How does one sync with a Linux box?

Well, there is Evolution, GNOME Card, ical (the X program not the ical
protocol), etc...  It is a inefficient, stupid, and short sighted arrangement.

With Win32 you just sync with Outlook or at least something that mimics it -
clean, straight forward.

All this time and the Open Source community has yet to come up with one decent
solution to calendering even though there is a widely adopted and supported
standard.  All the various groupware forums do is bicker about why the ical
protocol isn't ideal, and why the libmcal/icapd implementation sucks.... yada
yada woof woof.  Don't bother to mention that is seems to work find for lots of
applications, and the implementation is GPL'd - so you could make it better.

If Linux sported a simple light weight icap/ical server than the Zaurus could
sync to that, evolution could use it as a backend, etc....  If someone came up
with something that worked (and a skeleton icap server exists under GPL) the
adoption rate would be like a forest fire.

Sorry, high rant factor.  Some days I wish I was a much better C programmer than
I am.
