[KLUG Members] By the way... THANKS!

Paul VandenBosch members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 22:02:00 -0500 (EST)

Thanks to KLUG my website is now database driven and is extremely easy to
edit.  It has been about 6 months of work every evening to learn php/mysql
and to code my website.  Plus about a year before that to get acquainted
with linux/unix, but I can finally say that my long term goal of putting
the Guide on a database is a success.  This was my first experience with
programming, so it is a pretty big accomplishment for me.  Thanks to KLUG
and especially thanks to Bill Hollett's presentation on PHP, which got me
started in the right direction.

I still have some bells and whistles to add, better search function, go
back and clean up the code, improve SQL queries, but it WORKS and the site
has never looked better.

Paul VandenBosch
Guide to Sailing and Cruising Stories