[KLUG Members] Re: XSLT Transforms

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
15 Jan 2003 20:48:42 -0500

>>Anyone want to give a presentation on SGML?
>I might be very well showing my ignorance here, but isn't XML meant to replace
>the much more structured SGML?  After all, you still need an SGML processor
>to turn it into anything specific, and SGML isn't a layout language, it's
>another mark-up language like HTML.  If you want to go PDF and PostScript with
>your data in the future I'd look into making a stylesheet for your data that
>went to XML:FO (well, they call it XSL:FO now).  I might have mentioned it on
>the list before, but I can't stress it's elegance enough.  Plus, there's a nice
>open-sourced processor for it at http://xml.apache.org/fop.  My last encounter
>with it was at version 0.17 (v 0.15 to 0.17 made some good improvements), and
>I can't imagine where it is now.  I'd like to play with it again if given the

Lots of documentation is distributed in "docbook" and easily chunked in
any variety of formats from HTML to PDF.  I'm quite possibly confusing
DocBook and SGML (I thought they were kith & kin).