[KLUG Members] Speed comparison of all major Linux filesystems.

Bruce Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
31 Jul 2003 13:35:35 -0400

> >Does BSware use xfs?
> No.  Once upon a time when the world was young and greener there was such 
> a thing as BSware-Pro that did support XFS, got us hooked.  Then the 
> ruthless corporation, eh... I mean Bruce, yanked the product off the 
> market, oh... I mean web site.

How do you define "us" in your above line "got us hooked"?  YOU were my
only customer in the final days.  Sure, a few others bought a copy or
two in the early days, but you were the only one who stuck with it.

That leads to my conclusion that it was all Adam's fault!  If Adam would
have done a better job spreading the word about XFS, BSware-Pro might
still be alive today!  But in the end, I had to give in to the BSware
marketing and sales departments who convinced me that selling one copy
every six months wasn't worth the HOURS of work I had to spend EACH WEEK
updating and creating BSware-Pro ...  :-(

Bruce Smith                bruce@armintl.com
System Administrator / Network Administrator
Armstrong International, Inc.
Three Rivers, Michigan  49093  USA