[KLUG Members] have we ever considered running a forum?

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
16 Jun 2003 11:16:45 -0400

> Let me explainl  How about let me explain.

Explain away...

> With all this talk about signing on to the web or not
> signing on to the web, my job is to convince you that
> having a mail client to view newsgroups is better.  

? Did some messages go off list,  because I'm lost now.

> Perhaps it would have been better, for the author of
> this thread, or someone else, to note why certain
> people believe what they do to be true & ask all'yall
> what_do_you_use_to_view_newmessages that YOU WOULD

I use evolution; better stated I *LIVE* in evolution.  It is open all
the time.

> because Peter, just as how you saw my message! I
> PROLLY did not see it the same way.  

RH9 + XD2

> I USE MAIL.YAHoo.COM in the http:// format to view.

I don't know if your pro-forum vs mail, etc... anymore, I'm a bit
confused (was a long weekend).

As far as creating a forum for the express purpose of making it easier
for free-web-mail users - about that I'm doubtful. Nothing derogatory
intended, but it is peoples choice if they use inflexible/inadequate
tools when better solutions are available (for the same cost) - 
fastmail.fm, etc... for example - which also provides IMAP access to
your mailbox over the internet, etc...  I have a hard time taking things
like yahoo.com, hotmail.com or even aol.com for that matter, very
seriously.  If people find them limiting they should leave them, rather
than other organizations attempting to adapt to the demands of those
hobbled tools.

But I'm not against forums per se, just against creating forums for THAT