[KLUG Members] Linux tutor.

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 03 Oct 2003 09:22:18 -0400

> I have attended a few meetings and some of you know me, some of you 
> don't.  I am actually looking for someone who can tutor me in the beast 
> called Linux.  As it sits now, I am in a getmeby job till I can get in 
> the IT dept. here.  I have used linux for a little over a year and am by 
> no means a power user, but I wanna be.  Anyone who can donate time or 
> resources or can just give me an RTFM link on the web or something, I 
> would appreciate it.  My biggest problem is I have used DOS/Windows 
> since I was 12 (using and installing) and I don't think I am grasping 
> some concepts that are probably elementary in Linux.  Thanks in advance 
> to anyone who can help.

Hello.  I'm the program director.  We are currently working on revamped
presentations for the newbie meetings aimed at people just like you.  If
you want to send me any hints, questions or advice - particularly about
things that you just don't get (you suspect because of your Win32
perspective) then please do so.

Also don't forget we have a novice list - where you can ask anything you
like without fearing any condescending tsk tsk from the resident
uber-geeks.  People over there are usually quite ready to explain the
elementary concepts those of us from a traditional computing background
just take for granted.  And by building up the archive of that list you
help people in your position who may come later.

And if you want to move to IT, get your name out there.  Don't be afraid
to poke into various Open Source projects of interest to you, offer your
opinions, maybe write a little documentation (if you can't write code). 
Since your learning, your in the best position to provide the
documentation - writing it will help both you and others.  And makeing
your name google-able really helps your credibility with the types of
employers you might actually WANT to work for.