[KLUG Members] Linux tutor.

Nik R. members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 03 Oct 2003 10:05:40 -0400

I will look into that as well.  Does anyone know how well Linux and AIX 
will cooperate together?

Mark Szidik/mlc wrote:

>members-admin@kalamazoolinux.org wrote on 10/03/2003 09:19:24 AM:
>>>I have attended a few meetings and some of you know me, some of you
>>>don't.  I am actually looking for someone who can tutor me in the beast
>>>called Linux.  As it sits now, I am in a getmeby job till I can get in
>>>the IT dept. here.  I have used linux for a little over a year and am
>>>no means a power user, but I wanna be.  Anyone who can donate time or
>>>resources or can just give me an RTFM link on the web or something, I
>>>would appreciate it.  My biggest problem is I have used DOS/Windows
>>>since I was 12 (using and installing) and I don't think I am grasping
>>>some concepts that are probably elementary in Linux.  Thanks in advance
>>>to anyone who can help.
>For a decent free introduction to the *nix philosophy of doing things I
>usually point people to Ohio State's "Introduction to Unix" course
>documentation: http://wks.uts.ohio-state.edu/unix_course/
>Their sys admin introduction is good for core learning as well (it does not
>cover Linux):
>A good book that does the same things is "Teach Yourself Unix in 24 hours"
>by Dave Taylor.  All of these references seach *nix concepts from the
>ground up, which is where you should start.
>-Mark Szidik
>Members mailing list