[KLUG Members] Apache VirtualHost Configuration

Todd Pillars members@kalamazoolinux.org
Sun, 12 Oct 2003 15:07:08 -0400 (EDT)

>> [root@www ]# service httpd restart
>> Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
>> Starting httpd: [Sun Oct 12 10:56:31 2003] [error] VirtualHost
>> _default_:443 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost
>> address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results
>>                                                            [  OK  ]
I am struggling with this as well... I installed Plesk 6 on a redhat 9 box
and it ate my httpd.conf and then promptly blew up.

>> What the heck does this mean?  I used redhat-config-httpd to set this
>> up, and virtual hosts seem to work - but only on https:  and not on
>> http://
> You cannot mix named based virtual hosting and https (https needs it
> own IP address).  Maybe the config program screwed up and did that?
Yep, Apache (NOW???) only allows _one_ secure server per.

>> If I comment out NameVirtualHost * then this error goes away but
>> virtual hosts don't work.  The string "_default_:443" doesn't occur
>> anywhere in my config file so I assume it is the manifestation of some
>> hard default.
> It seems like newer apache configurations consist of a bunch of config
> files, not just the single one any longer.  I had to look in a different
> config file to find the :443 stuff.
Plesk added a few includes to my httpd.conf and it took some snooping but
after a google or two I have found some suggestions - which seem harder
than they should be - and a simple one to move ssl.conf to ssl.conf.bak

Looking forward to resolving this!
