[KLUG Members] Postfix advocacy?

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:14:24 -0400

> I was surprised that more list members didn't chime in on the
> Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail/Exim bandwagon. But, if you do a search on the KLUG
> archives for Sendmail and Postfix or Exim or Qmail, you will find lots of
> knowledgeable and informed comments on all of the aforementioned MTA's.

They all work.  Other "hot" topics like 'the RDBMS wars' stem from
projects that take a different tact to solving problems whiel all MTA
(mail transfer agents) really offer the same functionality using
surprisingly similair methodology.

> Personally, I like Postfix because I found it to be easy to install and
> configure, secure out of the box, easy to run chrooted, I can understand the
> config files, there is a good list to search for answers, and it is easy to
> get a response from list if you can't find the answer to your problem.

I cut my teeth on sendmail and just don't see any reason to move.  It is
actually quite consistent and much easier to configure than most people
realize,  and offer quite a bit more in the way of LDAP/directory
integration than Postfix (last I looked).  Postfix is the only
alternative I've seriously considered (as it has IBM's blessing).