Robert G. Brown
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 17:05:51 -0500

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 16:35:15 -0500, Adam Williams <> wrote:
>>>> Come see Andrew Thompson defend his uber-geek championship;  will Peter
>>>> Buxton's team go down in flames again this year?
>>I don't recall OUR team being somehow ceded to Mr. Buxton. If he wished to
>>sharein the tax liabilities and fees, we can certainly work something out!:)
>As I recall the fiery plume of your descent was Mr. Buxton's twitchy 
>trigger finger,  so it got attributed as his team out of compassion for 
>his fellow team mates.

I appreciate that. Really, it was the spirit of the Red Sox that was a moti-
vating factor. As A Yankee fan, I can appreciate that.

>>>How does "almost winning" count as going down in flames? You're just
>>>still upset that I knew which Elf met Strider, Frodo et al. near the
>>>Anduin ford!
>>You know, there's ONLY winning... anything else is "going down in flames",
>>unless you were never "up" (opting for "lovable underdog" is a good idea in
>>these situations.
>>PS: Considering entry as "A Team of One", but willing to form a
>>    "Virtual Machine" with at least one other...
>Both Mr. Britz and I think this years questions are easier so maybe we'll 
>see higher scores.

With sufficiently itchy trigger fingres and short atention spans, It's hard to 
be sure of this. It is ALWAYS possible to snatch defeat from the jaws of vic-
tory, that's why they call it JEOPARDY!

We'll see VERY SOON, however.. the FREE PIZZA has already been ordered, and it
will be there more than warm at meeting time.

							---> RGB <---