[KLUG Members] GJ followup (was Meeting Notes)

Robert G. Brown members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:13:56 -0500

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:30:49 -0500, Adam Williams <adam@morrison-ind.com> wrote:

>Or in utter disbelief at the speed of Mr. Buxton's button finger.  Holy
I'll tell ya, Adam, it was a sight to see over at Team A (aka "The ex-chairs"),
I knew a bunch of answers, but Peter was ON that paddle! He was also quite
smooth about jumping as soon as he knew the answer, and very few of them
tailed away and nicked the outside corner....

>> Bruce Smith and John Bridleman were up to their old gamer 
>> domination tricks again this year.  They ran the 1024k and 
>> 512k answers knowing that if no one could come up with the 
>> question they would retain control of the selections.  That 
>Actually more 1024/2048 questions were answer in jest without pushing
>the button than were actually attempted.  Sigh.

I think by that time the scores were so heavily negative that no one wanted to
take a flyewr on a 104/2048 question, unless they KNEW the answer. We were all
several lengths back, and it was a long way to go for a first down.

>> TEAM A		Dirk Bartley & Robert G. Brown
>> SCORE           Jeopardy = -2552  Double Jeopardy = -2522  
>Where was Bob in the C++ category?  I was certain he was going to sweep
>that one.
I did! Unfortunately the index finger didn't hit the button fast enough. 
Mr.Thompson, over on Team C, was a lot faster (and not a C++ programmer,
which matters not at all). I think there was one thing I didn't know, but
I think the Team A story was that we just weren't fast enough on the paddle.
It's hard when both of us have been worn down by our KLUG leadership duties
in past years, you know.... the pasture and rocking chair is starting to look 
good now, as we reach our sunset years...

>> W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S 
>> TEAM C          Jon Smitley & Peter Buxton & Bill Hollett
>> SCORE           Jeopardy = -1306  Double Jeopardy = -1794  
>> W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S 
>Peter rocks!!!
You know, he had it all last night, the quick snap to the running backs, the
good energy on the court, a blazing trigger finger backed up with the right 
answers, and a great team in the pits for him. Yes, and a good man in goal,
too. You know, it was very good cricket, he had great innings, and I'm sure
this will increase his value on the GJ free-agent market next year, too.
Yes, that's where it's at, you know, the name of the game....

							---> RGB <---