[KLUG Members] KLUG Meeting Notes for 10/28/2003

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:30:49 -0500

> EVERYONE - other LUGs, other technical groups, etc... - were 
> invited to send a team to this years 2003 Geek Jeopardy event. 
> programdirector@kalamazoolinux.org
> ******************************
> The scores were evidence of the difficulty of the answers.
> That made the fun increase exponentially!  Many sat in utter
> disbelief when they heard the answers.  Adam made sure that

Or in utter disbelief at the speed of Mr. Buton's button finger.  Holy

> few of the 2048 and 1024 pointers would be claimed.  Brian
> Ritz did an excellent job in running the scoring spreadsheet
> and keeping the game board updated.  The OpenOffice.org Calc
> program was used to list the categories, points, and team 
> totals.  It worked flawlessly on the Toshiba laptop running
> Red Hat v9 and was projected up on the screen with the KLUG
> XGA projector.

Red Hat v9 & Ximian Desktop 2.  That was Ximian's version of Open
Office,  hence the transcendent beauty of the theme and breathtaking
crispness of the font rendering.

> Bruce Smith and John Bridleman were up to their old gamer 
> domination tricks again this year.  They ran the 1024k and 
> 512k answers knowing that if no one could come up with the 
> question they would retain control of the selections.  That 

Actually more 1024/2048 questions were answer in jest without pushing
the button than were actually attempted.  Sigh.

> TEAM A		Dirk Bartley & Robert G. Brown
> SCORE           Jeopardy = -2552  Double Jeopardy = -2522  

Where was Bob in the C++ category?  I was certain he was going to sweep
that one.

> W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S 
> TEAM C          Jon Smitley & Peter Buxton & Bill Hollett
> SCORE           Jeopardy = -1306  Double Jeopardy = -1794  
> W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S    W I N N E R S 

Peter rocks!!!

> None of the teams could enter Final Jeopardy!  You can't bet
> negative money in the round.  The category was PHP and the
> answer may as well have been spoken in Klingon or Sindarin.
> Even the resident PHP guru's sat in silence shaking their
> heads.  Only 364 days left until Geek Jeopardy 2004!  Can
> Adam top himself again?  There were threats to form a question
> committee next year to insure easier questions.  Seriously,

If someone else wants to help make questions it is fine with me.  But
then thats one less person who can participate.  If your interested in
bieng the program directors lackey, just e-mail
programdirector@kalamazoolinux.org :)  Always willing to glance at your

> Geek Jeopardy champions were Wes Leonard and Andrew Thompson 
> last year.  Jon Smitley, Peter Buxton, and Bill Hollett will
> be the reigning champions for the next year.  Congratulations!

And everyone on that team answered at least one question.