[KLUG Members] Xwindow system and chroot

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Sun Jul 4 12:03:31 EDT 2004

> I hooked to Morhpix Game CD that came with Linux for you. While playing
> cool games I suddenly desired to play songs. Therefore, I typed xmms and to
> my surprise, there was not any multimedia player available on CD. Therefore,
> chroot to my Linux partition and try to run xmms from there. I got error
> message that critical error unable to open display. I fired my console and
> start another X window session and and set display variable to 0:1 and to my
> surprise it worked. I want to know why it is not possible to launch any X
> window-based application on chrooted environment.

You probably don't have any of the XFree86 libraries available.  You may
also not be able to access the security cookies;  don't know without
lots for info.  I have no idea what "Morhpix Game CD" no.

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