[KLUG Members] help with cyrus imap on debian testing

Peter Buxton somercet at core.com
Thu Jun 17 14:45:23 EDT 2004

> Any ideas what I am doing wrong here and why I authenticate for the 
> cyradm? I have checked and pwcheck is running. (it is actually the 
> imap daemon I can tell is running)

If pwcheck is running, you're using Cyrus 1.x. Using your favorite 
Debian package browser (dselect/aptitude/synaptic/&c.) look for 
packages named cyrus21-*. It may be higher by now.

You will need to install saslauthd (and sasl2-bin as well).

> I cannot seem to find any imapd daemon to start/stop and I just feel 
> like I am missing a whole chapter here.

For Cyrus 2.x, the init.d file is called cyrus21 or something. This 
will run cyrmaster, which is controlled by /etc/cyrus21.conf, which 
will indeed be in there.

Also, remember that Debian uses shell script fragments in /etc/default 
with the same names as the init.d files, which them includes those 
fragments. They usually just contain variable assignations that you can 
edit. In the case of Cyrus 2.x, I specifically remember that Debian 
refused to set it up running. You have to edit the cyrus and saslauthd 
default files (they're well commented) and change:


to "true." Also, change saslauthd to read:

AUTH="-a pam"

This will authenticate your users against your POSIX accounts. You lose 
the extra SASL capabilities, but you get it running very quickly.

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