[KLUG Members] Sharing a DVD Burner

Andy Eidson abeidson at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 16 16:28:30 EST 2004

--- Phillip Hofmeister <.
> You can't SCP/FTP the files to the Linux machine and
> then use mkisofs
> and cdrecord? (via SSH or *shudders* telnet)

Not really.. because there is nothing on Linux that
can read the AAC music files to play them since they
need authorization from Itunes. So unless I run them
and rip them on my Windows machine (which this is a
333 Celeron so that would take FOREVER)I will not be
able to play them on my Linux box. So I need to some
how spoof Itunes into thinking one of the mapped
drives on my Linux server is a CD Burner so I can burn
the files to MP3. 

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