[KLUG Members] cd writing

Andrew Thompson tempes at ameritech.net
Fri Sep 17 00:00:49 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 14:01, Adam Tauno WIlliams wrote:
> ... but these all seem to be console or ncurses.
> Someone just needs to open Glade, hammer out a couple dozen lines of C#,
> and you'd have a pretty gui.  Probably could be done in a couple of
> hours; but I have a tape drive. :)

Personally, I think Some Certain Distros could have done with MORE
console/ncurses-based utilities. Sure, a pretty GUI's where it's "@"
these days, but I've wished more than a couple of times that the
redhat-config-* set had versions I could run without having to launch a
whole bloated desktop. (Yeah, I know -- if I ever have the time, maybe
I'll take a crack at it myself)

Andrew Thompson <tempes at ameritech.net>
The Imagerie

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