[KLUG Members] cd writing

Rusty Yonkers therustycook at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 17 09:27:20 EDT 2004

> Personally, I think Some Certain Distros could have done with MORE
> console/ncurses-based utilities. Sure, a pretty GUI's where it's
> "@"
> these days, but I've wished more than a couple of times that the
> redhat-config-* set had versions I could run without having to
> launch a
> whole bloated desktop. (Yeah, I know -- if I ever have the time,
> maybe
> I'll take a crack at it myself)

I tend to agree with you.  I see the same thing in Novell.  The
C-worthy interface on the server was very nice for many reasons. 
They have pretty much abandoned it for the ConsoleOne approach.  That
is fine until you get a situation like I had recently and the server
is sick enough that you cannot attach across the network and cannot
get X to fire up on the server.  

As far as configuring Linux though, I have started to really use and
depend on Webmin a lot.  It is really quite nice for many things. 
The firewall setup tool feels alot like the GUI tools for Firewall1. 
It is pretty straight forward.  Many of the other tools are pretty
good too!  I can administrate the box from anywhere with a GUI setup

Russell C. Yonkers Jr. 
CNE, MCP, A+, CCNA, Linux+, Server+, Network+ certified
Currently using SuSE 9, Mac OS X, Windows 2000, and WinXP 
And yes I run a network at home with Linux and Windows servers
See my personal website http://www.geocities.com/therustycook
Or my consulting site at http://www.atomicsupergeek.com

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