[KLUG Members] CMS Systems

Robert V. Kanaley rvk at agdia.com
Thu Aug 4 11:04:19 EDT 2005


I am not a developer, but if I understand your preferences, you might want
to take a look at Ruby on Rails.

Last night I was reading the September issue of Linux Journal that had the
first of two articles on Ruby by Rueven Lerner. Ruby has a built-in web
server (WEBrick) that can be instantiated with a couple lines of code. A
couple more lines of code and you have a serverlet. It seemed so simple that
I thought even I could do it!

Next months issue of LJ (October) is going to have an article on how to
develop applications with Ruby on Rails and how this stacks up against other
open-source application frameworks.



Robert V. Kanaley
Manager Information Systems
Agdia, Inc.
rvk at agdia.com

>Subject: Re: [KLUG Members] CMS Systems
>> I think what you should look into is Drupal. www.drupal.org
>Ah, so thats what drupal is!  I've heard about Drupal on the OGo lists
>but never knew what it was.
>> www.thisweekintech.com uses it, as well as spreadfirefox.com
>> Pretty easy to setup. It's PHP, uses MySQL.
>> Drupal does all of what you need, plus the ability to host forums.
>Drupal does look very nice - AND it includes documentation,  my primary
>reservation with x-oops (who seem to think web forums ARE
>Hint: they are not).
>> I'm JUST starting to use it, so don't take my word for it, but so
>> far, so good...
>At a glance Drupal does look like it has potential.  My only concern is
>they seem to suffer from the "When all you know is LAMP, everything
>looks like a bulb" issue.
>For instance, they perform periodic maintenance by suggesting you put -
>0   *   *   *   *   wget -O - -q http://www.example.com/cron.php
>- in your crontab.  Eeee gads!
>But it may be easy enough to fix things like that - put
>"#!/usr/bin/php" on the first line of the script and put -
>0   *   *   *   *   /usr/local/bin/drupal-cron.php
>- in your crontab AND REMOVE cron.php from beneath your web-root.

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