[KLUG Members] LILO on a secondary HD

Jamie McCarthy jamie at mccarthy.vg
Mon Jul 25 14:52:57 EDT 2005

adam at morrison-ind.com (Adam Tauno Williams) writes:

> Easy... LILO.... yep, that is spelled "grub". 

OK, OK, y'all convinced me... I'll definitely look into this next
time I need to get my hands dirty.

For now I got it to work.  I replaced it as my primary HD on another
box, booted from a Debian install CD, hopped out to a shell, mounted
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/whiz14/bang92/omg/wtf/lun0/part1 and
part3 (aka the root filesystem and /boot filesystem), chrooted, and
ran lilo. Then exit'd, umount'd, shut down, returned the HD to its
original box, and it booted up nice as you please.

Thanks everyone for your advice.  My 200 MHz, 64 MB RAM file server
is running again :)
  Jamie McCarthy
  jamie at mccarthy.vg

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