[KLUG Members] Fwd: MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.0.7 beta Released

Jamie McCarthy jamie at mccarthy.vg
Sat May 28 09:15:43 EDT 2005

At the MySQL talk someone asked whether MySQL would be providing a
migration tool that would convert an SQL Server database to use
MySQL.  The beta tool that does that was just released.

====== Forwarded Message ======
Date: 5/28/05 4:12 AM
Received: 5/27/05 10:10 PM -0400
From: mzinner at mysql.com (Michael G. Zinner)
To: gui-tools at lists.mysql.com, announce at lists.mysql.com

MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.0.7 beta has been released.

The MySQL Migration Toolkit is a powerful framework that enables you to 
quickly migrate your proprietary databases to MySQL.

More information at:

You can download sources and binaries for Windows from:

This release adds support for MS SQL Server and addresses a number of 
bugs. All users are recommended to update to this new release.

The list of new features includes
- Support for MS SQL Server 2000
- Renaming of target schema objects

The list of addressed bugs includes
- Incomplete data transfer from some tables
- Access BYTE and BIT not mapped to unsigned datatype
- Datetime columns were missing time
- Some Oracle/MS Access datatypes were not mapped

Best regards,
Michael Zinner, GUI Developer
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com
Office: +43 676 753 26 30

Are you MySQL certified?  www.mysql.com/certification

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====== End Forwarded Message ======
  Jamie McCarthy
  jamie at mccarthy.vg

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