[KLUG Members] help with bind and SERVFAIL response Please!

Rick Harding rharding at mitechie.com
Mon May 22 11:43:49 EDT 2006

I have a bind9 dns server running for the last several years at It is a delegated subdomain from Michigan State  
University. They point to me. Last weekend dns blew apart because the  
server started giving out SERFAIL responses. It is the primary server  
with two views (internal IPs and external IPs). The internal views  
all work still with no issues. It is only the external that is giving  
out the SERVFAIL responses.

This gets really fun because on I have a slave backup  
DNS server. It is operating fine replicating the information from  
the .3 server. As a temp fix I had MSU point to .4 as my primary DNS  
server for now. That is working, but it still doesn’t help me figure  
out what is wrong with my primary box.

I am posting my db file for the external zone and my named.conf file  
for anyone who might be able to help me out. SERVFAIL comes up as an  
issue where the slave can no longer contact the master and the zone  
data expires, but this is the master. I can’t seem to get my head  
around what could be the problem.

Thanks for any tips




; BIND data file for local loopback interface


$TTL    1D;

msufame.msu.edu.        IN      SOA     msufame.msu.edu.  
rharding.msufame.msu.edu. (

	20060512003         ; 09/11/05 Serial

                             900         ; Refresh

                             450         ; Retry

                         2419200         ; Expire

                          604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL

.       IN      NS      dns.msufame.msu.edu.

.        IN      NS      dns3.msufame.msu.edu.

.        IN      NS      serv1.cl.msu.edu.

.        IN      NS      serv2.cl.msu.edu.

msufame.msu.edu.        IN      MX      10      mail.msufame.msu.edu.

dns.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      A

dns3.msufame.msu.edu.   IN      A

debian.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      A

msufame.msu.edu.        IN      A

mail.msufame.msu.edu.   IN      A

chicago.msufame.msu.edu. IN      A

ex.msufame.msu.edu.     IN      A

vpn.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      A

www.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

test.msufame.msu.edu.   IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

ts.msufame.msu.edu.     IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

seattle.msufame.msu.edu. IN     CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

www2.msufame.msu.edu.   IN      CNAME   debian.msufame.msu.edu.

dns.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      CNAME   debian.msufame.msu.edu.

svn.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      CNAME   debian.msufame.msu.edu.

proxy.msufame.msu.edu.  IN      CNAME   debian.msufame.msu.edu.

step2prep.msufame.msu.edu.      IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

techie.msufame.msu.edu.         IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

bugs.msufame.msu.edu.   IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

mysql.msufame.msu.edu.  IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.

dev.msufame.msu.edu.    IN      CNAME   msufame.msu.edu.


include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";

view "internel" {

         match-clients { !; 207.74.128/24;;   };

         zone "msufame.msu.edu" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.msufame";


         zone "128.74.207.in-addr.arpa" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.207.rev";


         // be authoritative for the localhost forward and reverse  
zones, and for

         // broadcast zones as per RFC 1912

         zone "localhost" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.local";


         zone "127.in-addr.arpa" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.127";


         zone "0.in-addr.arpa" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.0";


         zone "255.in-addr.arpa" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.255";


         zone "." {

                 type hint;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.root";



view "external" {

         match-clients { any; };

         zone "msufame.msu.edu" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.msufame.external";


         zone "128.74.207.in-addr.arpa" {

                 type master;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.207.rev.external";


         zone "." {

                 type hint;

                 file "/etc/bind/db.root";



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