[KLUG Members] Sendmail, LDAP, and solaris

Adam bultman adamb at glaven.org
Fri Oct 27 23:49:33 EDT 2006

Good evening, Kluggers.

I have two issues that I would like input on.  They are both related as 
they both deal with LDAP.

Item 1: Solaris LDAP native problems

I have a few mail servers that are "LDAP Native", which is to say, they 
have been configured to access LDAP servers for username, password, and 
group information.  If the user isn't in /etc/passwd, it'll query LDAP. 
Great fun, and not that difficult to do.

These mail servers are configured with sendmail, procmail, and popper, 
all of which query LDAP when doing anything. Sendmail is not configured 
to be 'LDAP aware' (which I will explain later) but is querying Solaris, 
which is then querying the LDAP server.  Whenever there is a heavy 
amount of traffic to the servers, LDAP will get sluggish on the server. 
  Users will be able to get their mail via POP, which requires LDAP, and 
sendmail will process mail, which requires LDAP, but but it's not very 
'zippy'.  For example, if you perform a "ps -ef" on the server, it will 
happily list processes until it gets to a UID it needs to query LDAP for 
- and it'll hang for a second or 5 until it gets a response - and then 
it'll be happy until it hits the next LDAP user, etc.  I've started 
doing "ps -ef &" so that I don't have a hung terminal. I'm then free to 
do other things while the results slowly poke by.

Under extreme load, a few things happen:

1. The LDAP servers get a lot (1000+) simultaneous connections that do 
not go away - and are connections from the mail servers. Kill -9 slapd 
will release the connections, but usually corrupts the LDAP database. 
 Load will be 'high' on the LDAP server, but not even close to what 
you'd expect for a wedging server.

2. The mail servers' load goes up to around 30, mail will stop, and the 
operating system will complain about unavailble LDAP servers

3. The mail server, as a result, stops responding altogether and must be 
rebooted from the power strip (the console, if you can beleive it, even 
works horribly - waiting up to 10 minutes for a 'return' to actually 
show up. Seriously.)

I've had it happen twice where the mail server simply died; stopped 
responding on all ports (even SSH) and only pings did anything.  They 
still dutifully logged to the syslog server though, although it's of not 
much use.  Even more unbelievable, the mail servers (which are in 
actuality "zones" running on the server) have managed to crash the 
global zone - which isn't supposed to happen.  That required a power 
cycle of the whole box, which stops any other zones that happen to be on 
the server. Bummer.   You wouldn't think this should happen.  We have 
four LDAP slaves; one is an x86 dell (running solaris 10) and the others 
are Netras (240) that have more than enough horsepower to handle LDAP 
queries.  The configuration looks fairly default, but I can't get in at 
the moment to look for anything glaring.    I cannot figure it all out.  

Item number 2: Sendmail

Sendmail was believed to have been configured with LDAP so that sendmail 
itself would query the LDAP servers for user information. However, this 
turned out not to be true, as I dug into the configurations rather 
deeply today and proved what I thought was the case:  That sendmail was 
ignoring any LDAP options in the CF file, and was simply querying the 
operating system for user information (For those wondering: 
LDAPDefaultSpec, ldapmh, and ldapmr(a?) were configured with hosts, 
ports, and baseDNs, but no bindDN or bind password.  Go figure.  And no, 
I didn't configure it.)

So, I've been trying to configure sendmail to be LDAP-aware - for real 
this time.  I have the LDAP book, the sendmail book, and the sendmail 
companion book - so any questions I've had have been quickly answered 
there.  I have a test box set up with two LDAP zones and a sendmail zone 
on it, and syslog shows that indeed, the sendmail server is querying the 
ldap servers whenever it needs to look up a user that isn't local.)

My problem is that although I've proven that my test user exists in 
ldap, and that a search against the LDAP database with the *exact* 
filter and search terms as sendmail is *allegedly* using results in the 
user's profile being pulled from LDAP, sendmail always gives me a "user 

Right now, the ldapmh and ldapmr(a?) (btw, I can't remember off the top 
if there's an A in there, as I don't have the server configs or the 
books  in front of me - all at my desk at work) have the 'defaults', 
except for my additional crap - baseDN, bindDN, host, password.

Using telnet, I try to deliver mail to the server.  It takes any mail 
from: user that is in the domain, but any time I try to send as a user 
that exists in LDAP, it throws the user unknown error.  And I don't know 
if it's because the LDAP Routing maps are wrong, or if there's something 
simply 'missing'.  I've googled and tested for *hours* trying to see if 
I had capitalization wrong, or if I had some other thing wrong, or a 
config option wrong, etc - so I'm frustrated. The cause of my current 
frustration is those LDAP maps - which use "%0" and "%s" in them.  I can 
find "documentation" on them - that is to say, examples all over the web 
that talk abuot the default LDAP maps, but *nothing* that explains what 
the hell %0 and %s are.  I've looked through the sendmail books, and the 
LDAP book, and haven't figured it out. The only thing I can think is 
that %0 and %s are not what they should be - and taht's why sendmail 
isn't able to find any users in LDAP.

I have sendmail loglevel all the way up (probably at 255, i can't 
remember exactly right now) and LDAP is at the same level - 255.  I can 
watch the logs while I test commands, and I get 'fun' little errors 
talking about fd 12 and errno=11, but nothing definitive.  Looking up 
the errors have netted me nothing useful.  Despite the debug, LDAP 
doesn't tell me what the queries are (it lists the baseDN, though) and 
sendmail doesn't do much for me either, just that it's asking LDAP and 
that the user isnt' found.

I've messed with the LDAP user's profiles, but everything looks kosher. 
 mailHost is the local server, (mail.domain.com), the objectClasses are 
correct, the user's addresses (Routing address and localaddress or 
whatever) are both the same - local to that machine.  in theory, 
sendmail should say, "Yes, that's a local user, let me deliver it"

but it's not working. And I cannot figure it out.  I'm wondering if %0 
and %s are red herrings; I can't find anything as to what those should 
be, some I'm wondering if they are just the email or something listed in 
the rcpt to: command.  

The two problems are somewhat related - I'm wondering if sendmail 
querying the LDAP servers would be 'lighter' than Solaris querying the 
LDAP servers - but I need to fiture out #2 before I can really test or 
prove #1.  

Any ideas would be appreciated; I'm going nuts over this. It's like a 
chigger under my skin.



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