[KLUG Members] Distro distro ...

Adam Tauno Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 12:24:49 -0500

> Not being completely happy with Fedora because of a few annoying (but
> minor) bugs, I started looking at other distributions.  I looked at and
> rejected a few distros for a number of reasons (I'll discuss them on
> advocacy if anyone is interested - not here), then I tried SuSE 9.0 ...
> Now I'd like someone to talk me out of switching all of my Linux boxes
> to SuSE.  Please help, it would save me a lot of time NOT to convert.

You won't hear much from me.  I'm thinking about doing the same thing.  

ALSA out-of-the box
XFS/ACL out-of-the-box
Cyrus IMAPd out-of-the-box

 - Three really pain in the butt packages I *NEED*

They include a modular OpenLDAP 2.1.x.  RedHat is still shipping 2.0.x, and a
static version at that.

They include M$-Access ODBC drivers!

Now (or soon to be) the same company as Ximian!  Hopefully they'll stop wasting
so much time on KDE.

OpenGroupware is more-or-less developed on SuSe.

IBM endorses SuSe, pretty vigourously.

RedHat seems to have fallen asleep recently, IMHO.  Or their target audience has
shifted away from "me".  Some of their packages are really stale,  for server
side stuff I expected more forward-motion in RH9 than I saw - but the desktop
(CUPS, etc...) improvements were great.

For instance, why is UW the default IMAP server for a new install?  I mean...
that sucks.

> OK, so what's missing that's going to bite me later?  HELP!!!

I still think their documentation sucks.