[KLUG Members] RE: Re: A [simple?] question (Robert G. Brown)

Bruce Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
Sun, 30 May 2004 13:59:51 -0400

> When the condition was reported to the vendor, we were charged $35.00 for
> "per incident support". 

What condition was reported to the vendor?  What incident?
Did you place a service call asking about default permissions?

> Early in the week, I requested a status update from
> the vendor, and on Friday I received a response with the following message:
> "We have processed a refund for your case.  Your case is now closed as
> unresolved.  I am sorry that we were not able to be of more help to you."
> -------
> I have never seen a response of this nature from a vendor before; in essense 
> they are saying that they don't want to provide an answer, and -- what? That 
> our money isn't good enough to provide one?
> They could say "We didn't really know about this, and....
> 	... we'll fix it on the next release."
>         or
>         .... we think it's fine, You don't like it? tough?"
>         or
>         .... it's not going to change soon, but here's a work-around..."
> If they had said something like the above, they coiuld have kept the money.
> But N-o-o-O-O-o-o, they didn't even want to deal with it, or go on the record
> about it.
> The other thing the mail message had was a reply address for followup comments,
> have sent a message regarding my reactions to how this was handled.
> For the moment, I am leaving the name of the vendor as an exercise for the 
> reader, but once the reply arrives from them, I will reveal it.