[KLUG Members] (Inkscape) Stumped at the beginning

Andrew Thompson tempes at ameritech.net
Thu Aug 18 00:20:58 EDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 10:01 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> Ok, I have to make an icon/logo - and it seems Inkscape is the place to
> do this as it can then be resized like a maniac.  But if I make a logo
> in Inkscape, and something like a letter sized canvas, what is the
> procedure to go about using this in other, non-svg images.  For instance
> I'd have to embed to logo in a pair of gifs: on 173x156 and another
> 182x30 (the size and format are not for my choosing).  Can I paste an
> SVG image into a GIMP canvas and resize it?  I'm ignorant enough to not
> really be able to feel how to approach this kind of problem.

I'm just going to third the other two guys' responses. Assuming Inkscape
does exports, you should be able to generate GIFs, PNGs, JPGs or
whatever bitmap format you need. I haven't had the chance to try
Inkscape seriously yet, but with any luck, it should let you control the
exported image's dots per inch (DPI). Set the image to the actual size
you want, match your output device's DPI onthe export, and that should
give you about as clean an image as you're going to get.

Good luck!

Andrew Thompson <tempes at ameritech.net>
The Imagerie

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