[KLUG Members] Can't load Linux on my Compaq Preasrio 5340!

Mike Morrett kazoolug at yahoo.ca
Tue Jan 31 19:23:33 EST 2006

--- Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org> wrote:

> If you get recognizable video then it is almost guaranteed
> the X has detected all these settings correctly.

I'm not so sure the SiS530 chip set itself is part of the porblem,
and the fact the my monitor is old and non-standard (Intergraph
TX-D1753W).  Googling, I found a gazillion people itching about the
SiS530 chip set.

> The solution is to either tweak the settings for the
> chipset, such as disabling acceleration options (since
> they aren't working anyway), or replacing the video card.

As a old retired guy, I've quit doing chip replacement on MOBOs!

So, I have taken the easy way to fix the problem...

vi xorg.conf


This Compaq is just going to be a Samba and
http://folding.stanford.edu/ server.

Thanks for all your help, Mike

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